Join an interest group to stay up-to-date about what's happening at Mines and connect with other professionals in an area that you're passionate about. Whether you're interested in the latest news at Mines, connecting with faculty or students, networking and attending events, or sharing your expertise, there's ways for you to get involved as an OreGiver.

If you are a leader and coordinating an event, please fill out this form to provide information to the Mines Alumni staff for promotional opportunities.

The Aerospace Interest Group strives to further expand the Colorado School of Mines’ brand in the aerospace industry by increasing knowledge of Mines’ contributions to the aerospace community, expanding Mines’ student and alumni networking opportunities as well as Mines’ reputation in space resources.

Aerospace Interest Group

The Entrepreneurship and Innovation (E&I) Interest Group strives to promote the culture of Entrepreneurship and Innovation in the greater Mines community of alumni, current students, faculty and friends.

E & I Interest Group

Do you find yourself dealing with questions of public perception, stakeholder engagement, community conflict, sustainability, or corporate social responsibility in your professional life? Have you worked in a leadership capacity with development work or overseas service, such as part of the U.S. Peace Corps? Connect and network with other Mines alumni, students and faculty working in the areas of leadership in social responsibility (LSR) or corporate social responsibility.

Leadership in Social Responsibility Interest Group

The Women of Mines Interest Group strives to engage alumnae and offer opportunities for development, collaboration and networking. We work with campus partners to help increase the number of female students on campus. The group is led by Mines alumnae along with members of Women in Science, Engineering & Mathematics, the Mines Foundation, Admissions and other campus partners.

Women of Mines Interest Group